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About Me

My name is Reagan and I am a full-time missionary. 


I accepted Jesus when I was four years old and always grew up going to church. My parents raised me in the Christian faith, they themselves Christian as well. It wasn't until I was 12 years old at a conference called Motion in Birmingham, AL. That was when I first experienced God for real and when my faith in Christ finally began. Since then, every day I have been walking with Christ. Some days are harder than others but I am fighting my way through this world as a believer in Christ. 


God has called me to a life serving Him. In my current season of life, I am serving the Lord in a position of full time ministry with an international organization called YWAM (Youth with a Mission), specifically YWAM Orlando. Here, I have the opportunity to work alongside a community of people who love the Lord and have the same call to see the Gospel taken to the ends of the earth. 

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