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  • Writer's pictureReagan Cornwell

Let Heaven Come: A Battle Cry

Let heaven come.

With tears streaming down my face because of the disappointment that won't stop coming, the cry louder than the rest is "let heaven come."

When plans are changing, disappointment is raging in me, and the desire to hope in anything has all but left me, from my knees may my heart never stop crying out, "let heaven come."

Because at the end of the day, when I lay my head down to sleep, I can't see all the things at play in my life. I can't see the reason people have to leave. I can't see the reason plans don't work out. I can't see the reason I feel the way I feel.

I can't see the hand of God at work. I can't see the moments He is saving me from. I can't see the moments He is preparing me for.

But more than that, I can't see the pieces of Heaven that are coming through the seasons of heartbreak. I can't see the light on the other side of the storm. I can't see the lives that are going to be changed because of the things that don't go the way I want them to.

So as I let the tears run down my face in the process of grieving all the disappointment that doesn't seem to end, above it all is my heart is crying out to my Savior to let heaven come through this pain.

Doing what you are called to do is hard. Of course it will be-- there is an enemy of your soul trying to stop you from fulfilling the calling place specifically on you.

But if you know that you are where you are called to be, if you know the promises the Lord has given you, then above the pain and disappointment is the cry "let heaven come," as you serve the one who loved you at your darkest and will never stop.

God doesn't stop working when the walls of your life are crumbling all around you. He picks up the pieces, brick by brick and rebuilds the foundation bigger and better. He takes pieces of those broken dreams and build them into new ones. And the rest? The rest He uses in ways you may never see. But He uses them to build foundations for millions more to come to know Jesus.

So when the pain is real. When you just want to quit. When disappointment seems more common then dreams coming true, may the deepest parts of your heart cry out "Let heaven come" and let your soul believe that God is anything but finished with you, with your dreams, and with your life. You are worth more than being forgotten. You just haven't reached the true Heaven coming yet.

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